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Demogest car parked in front of Parliament Building in the city of Montevideo - Above - an Amazon delivery dirigeable - the revolutionary new Apps helping to building a better way o living |
If I write and speak my mind today, perhaps I would be misunderstood and criticized by those who defend their convictions - the best way to pass on the Democratic Management App concept is to make an AFD (Article of Future Days, a resource I developed to write texts with future projections without being misinterpreted) - in this way, free from bias, it is easier to pass my ideas on - here's a story that might as well have been written on a September 1st, 2042 magazine article.
After recent denounces involving Leviathan, the oldest Democratic Management App, in suspected corruption activities on August 1, 2041, the Uruguayan government decide to adopt Demogest as digital platform for democratic management to the nation, thus Uruguay will be the first country to adopt its new third generation version. Uruguay has a vanguardist tradition, was the first nation in Latin America to establish a welfare state, maintained through relatively high taxes on industry, and the first to legalise the cultivation, sale and consumption of marijuana in 2013 for recreational use, as a measure to counter drug cartels and also, was the first country to adopt a digital platform for democratic management in 2029 consolidating a democratic tradition that earned it the sobriquet "the Switzerland of South America".
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A long time has passed since the American government also decided to adopt a democratic management tool, after being strongly pressured by voters who said they supported the Democratic candidate because he was convinced to adopt Leviathan in his government.
At that time, led by James McCartty, Republicans released a letter stating they were ‘gravely concerned’.
Top congressional Republicans warned in a dramatic letter they released on Monday that a foreign power would be using a Democratic Gestor App to manage all activities of their Congress, and demanded a prompt briefing by the F.B.I. to evaluate and inform about the confiability of the software.
While the letter writers, led by Speaker McCartty, did not specify the threat, officials familiar with a classified addendum attached to it said the Republicans’ concerns touched on intelligence related to a possible Uruguaian-backed attempt to smear the presidential campaign of former George Clooney Jr.
In a detailed report of more than 670 pages, the FBI identified that the application was not only free of political bias, but also increased the coefficient of administrative efficiency to levels never seen before, countries that started to adopt Leviathan started to have an administration much more efficient and virtually reduced corruption to zero, much of it due to the sophisticated transparency tools audited by Transparency International, a German non-governmental organization based in Berlin.
Perhaps this was one of the last major party disagreements in the United States, the tool allowed a public administration so efficient and technical that the party and ideological positioning started to have less and less importance in decision making.
Effective Democracy and the End of Great Leaders
The “greatest benefit of these apps was the advent of Effective Democracy”, said the President of Uruguay in his last speech referring to the third democratic phase, “the first time the word 'Democracy' was used, was to name the so-called 'Athenian Democracy', which had the defect of being born imperfect. Solon, Clisthenes, Efialtes and Pericles began to light up with a spark of reason in the midst of chaos, we lived in a cruel and backward era in which women and slaves still did not vote, a group of eponymous archons composed of magistrates simply realized that the system statutory no longer worked and they began to give the illusion of power to the people, masking the main objective of containing Persian invasions and uniting City-States under Athenian power.
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The second time that the word 'Democracy' was used, was during its resurgence in the Glorious Revolution of England, in the year 1688 and with the French Revolution of 1789, it lasted approximately 330 years, only ending in the earliest 2030. It was called 'Hypocritical Democracy', which was characterized by legitimizing the will of a few to the detriment of the real satisfaction of society, with the exception of countries that adopted Direct Democracy, such as Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark, countries that suffered a little less with corruption and mismanagement, and knew how and did not provoke the wrath of the people in the 2000s ~ 2020 when driven by the disruption of old institutions at the expense of new technologies like Uber and Air B&B, they started to demand a more decent public administration.
Voters were tired, as they lived at the height of the bubble of corruption allied to ineptitude, ideological political parties taking biased and self-serving decisions, reached the point of spending more on election campaigns than on public welfare.
The Uruguayan government was the first to have the courage to change, "said Magel" with more than 120 referendums and plebiscites in the first year and public accounts effectively audited by the people using the Leviathan 1G App.
In less than 5 years, we adopted 2G technology, which allowed the existence of more than 300 Logical Party Groups, replacing almost all existing Political Parties, extinguishing the so-called 'professional politicians' and incompetent members of the legislative in the congress, with serious and scientific proposals, bringing real benefit to the community, gradually ending obsolete ideological political parties, full of fanciful ideologies and ignorantly supported positions".
Hi Bina, thank you so much for your kind words and participation in the blog - cheers!