Since the initiative in the 1940s, to draft and institute a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no other action has been taken with the purpose of guiding our actions on the planet so that we can walk together towards a better panorama than the one in which we currently live.
From a prospenomic point of view, these are reflections and actions that can lead us to a better world:
- May we understand that each individual has multiple complexities, such as mini universes that seek to interact in groups. May we also understand the complexity of the coexistence of two or more individuals, constantly promoting the well-being of the planet, other living beings and, finally, other conscious beings, in this order of priority, generating abundance and balance.
- May each individual be aware that we are on a hermetic planet, and that each action has or will have its repercussions, right here, now or later, therefore behaving as part of a Prospenomic Society;
-The IDIC principle, an acronym for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, is the foundation of the Prospenomics philosophy. We must not only respect, but also promote new ideas and debates.
-That each individual is aware that everything and everyone is subject to improvement, in a continuous and uninterrupted process. The will to grow and excel as an individual is stimulated, in order to promote an abundance of resources for oneself and for others, in all spheres of existence, as long as this process does not negatively affect the planet, other living beings, and finally other human beings, in that order of priorities.
-Once we recognize that we are beings endowed with great conscience, abundance of resources, we have direct responsibilities towards those with less reason, less possessions, thus making us behave aS teachers and tutors in a continuous process.
- Prospenomy is not a static fixed social model, like Darwinian evolution, it must be constantly changing and must respect above rules.
In Group
-Socialize and re-socialize as often as necessary.
May we become conscious that learning is an uninterrupted process, and the educational system must follow this reasoning through continuous training and socialization, until the end of the life of each Prospenomic Agent.
Learning and socialization must be integrated into the offenders rehabilitation system. Recognizing today that our prison system is highly flawed, its readjustment must be imperative.
Since information is increasingly abundant and available, the educational system should not make students memorize it, but rather, they must have guidance on how to use such information, with the purpose of promoting actions, on the part of Prospenomic Agents, with the greatest possible accuracy, in order to improve their quality of life and that of the planet.
Thinking differently is not a sign of disunity, on the contrary, the evolution of our society comes from diversity. Debate is encouraged, and all necessary guarantees are ensured for the group to remain cohesive. Every being deserves to be respected and welcomed.
-Public Administration.
- Economic models such as Liberalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Anarchy, etc. served their purposes in the past, but are proving increasingly inadequate for today, they are static and designed for ancient times and purposes – we must always consider new models to better meet the evolutionary needs of the planet, living beings and, ultimately, human beings;
- The world evolves unevenly from the technological and moral point of view, both are affected by elevatios, stagnation and setbacks - we must ensure the elevation of both.
- We must be outraged by any public administration that involves any form of corruption, self-serving and ineptitude. The leadership of a group must serve the interests of the group's prosperity, not of its leaders;
- Even if we still don't have any other living being so close to our state of consciousness, we have a moral duty to accompany them in their evolutionary stages, as well as welcome any other form of exointelligence that we interact with, regardless of their degree of consciousness, larger or smaller than ours;
- Once we understand and accept the religious needs of each individual, we respect their forms of cults and practices, as well as we understand that religions are the main causes of disagreements on the planet over time, causing deaths and miseries for mere lack of dialogue and tolerance, we suggest the creation of self-regulation committees, led by practitioners of the same, with the objective of promoting union and mutual respect, monitoring and maintaining balance between them around the world, so that they become effective prospenomic agents.
- Finally the basic concept
Since everyone seeks a better quality of life, prospenomy is inherent, from the moment you are exposed to these facts and identify with one or more points, you begin to act as a prospenomic agent, in an infinite process of improvement. Change is personal and takes as long as necessary, differently for each individual, happening through reflection, never by imposition or brute force.
We must understand that the concept of prosperity is different from wealth, as it is a premise of living well that should be written as an equation in a variable of time.